
My Big Promotion

Hi friends,
I am writing to let you know that I have officially accepted a position at Mathews Family Inc.   My husband offered me a position to be a full-time mom to this adorable little boy and I just couldn’t refuse.  The job has no vacation days, no paid benefits, (in fact no paid days at all) and I am on call all days, nights and weekends.  Hopefully, we will double my work load next year if God allows us to add another little one to the brood.  This way I could have even more responsibilities but no raise or bonus since I’m not getting paid anyway. (Although the laughs and the hugs are pretty awesome.)

I know you are jealous as this totally sounds amazing and I have to say, I am pretty excited.  This baby just gets cuter and cuter and I’m going to get to teach him to talk and walk and take him to the zoo and the park and all in all just spend my days living the dream.  I am sad to leave the professional world but we are just considering this a temporary early retirement for a small chapter of life. Me and Michael Phelps…you know kind of the same thing ;-) Who knows what God has in store for the future but we feel this is the best decision for our family at this time and figure no matter what, investing in our kids will never be something we’ll regret.

This was the letter I sent to my co-workers and am now sharing with all of you! One week down of two weeks notice so just one final week to go! We are excited for this new chapter of life and so very grateful for the opportunity God has given us. We'll keep you posted!