In the last couple months, some things have come to light that Gator fans like myself have known for many years: Tim Tebow is a special football player but more importantly Tim Tebow is a special person. Because of his winning record despite an unconventional playing style with the Denver Broncos, sportscasters are at a loss how to speak about him in the frame of reference of the “normal NFL”. And because of his character and testimony as a Christian in the middle of a very worldly situation, people in general are overwhelmed at what to think of this man. It’s come to be a quite polarizing issue in fact. But this is a call to Tebow supporters only, and a call to Christians, to stand alongside this amazing man in his ministry. How can we do this? I am asking for your help that we would rise up and be found “Tebowing for Tebow”.

Tebowing- to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different, has swept the nation in that people have been taking pictures of themselves in the posture of “Tebowing”. I don’t think most of them are actually “praying” however, it seems they are just taking a picture of themselves kneeling like Tebow . What I’m putting forth is that we start Tebowing for Tebow and by that actually PRAYING for Tebow. I believe he is one of the most influential Christians in America today, if not THE most influential, simply because he has a voice with the majority of our culture-NOT just Christian circles. He’s not on the Christian radio station, He’s on ESPN. He’s not at a Christian mega-church or conference, he’s playing for NFL on national television. For example, his Thursday night game against the Jets had over *7 million* viewers. The Passion conference in 2010 was 21,000 people. His audience is ENORMOUS. His interviews and articles span the entire internet. He has a voice with non-believers that most Christians, no matter how eloquent or heartfelt they are, will never have. And as a result, there are a lot of people that HATE him, truly HATE him. (I was at the Vikings vs. Broncos game and they were downright mean in the crowd.) There is a large group of society that is ROOTING for him to fail-on the field and off. People are looking for ANY thing that they can use to say he is a fake and to tarnish his reputation. They have recently hired lip-readers to watch/record him at football games and try to catch him saying a curse word.( ) This is crazy and extreme and it is not surprising that someone who speaks so passionately about the Lord and who so genuinely lives the life brings out such negativity and cynicism in the world. Jesus told us this would be true of His followers (John 15:18), and no one exemplifies this more than Tim Tebow. He has been thrust into the limelight; he is in a very worldly profession that praises pride not humility, selfishness and not selflessness. He is no doubt being overwhelmed by money and the trappings of this world-fame and fortune- that most people would not be able to handle wisely or in a God-glorifying way. But he has, and he continues to be a leader and a good, kind, generous man and a voice praising Jesus Christ over the jeers of the crowd. In the middle of our crooked and depraved generation he is shining like the stars in the universe (Philippians 2:14-16).
So will you pray with me? To pray against the temptations and the people trying to take him down. To pray for his protection physically and spiritually. I’ve compiled some prayer excerpts here from Stormie Omartian to get you started. If he wins or loses on the field, I will be praying for this man and his ministry that God would continue to use him mightily. I hope that you will too as I believe the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective (James 5:16) and I look forward to seeing what God will continue to do through Tim Tebow.
Tebowing for Tebow:
Lord I pray you would bless the work of Tim’s hands. Open up the doors of opportunity for him that no man can close. Develop his skills so that they grow more valuable with each passing year. Let him be like a tree planted by the stream of Your living water, which brings forth fruit in due season. May he never wither under pressure but grow strong and prosper (Psalm 1:3). I pray that Tim would be a good steward of all you have given him financially. Give him wisdom to handle the money wisely. I pray that he will not be anxious about finances but will seek Your kingdom first, knowing that as he does he will have all that he needs. (Luke 12:31). Lord I pray that You would strengthen Tim to resist any temptation that comes his way. Make him strong where he is weak. I pray that he will not be broken down by the power of evil, but raised up by the power of God. Establish a wall of protection around him and fill him with your Spirit. I pray that you would hide him from violence and the plans of evil people. Keep him safe, especially on the playing field. Build him up so that no matter what happens to him he will be able to stand strong through it. Give him endurance to run the race and not give up. Enable him to stand for what he knows is right and not waver under pressure from the world. Make him a man who lives by truth. I pray that Tim will have a reputation that is untarnished. I pray that he will be respected and that there would never be any reason for bad things to be said of him. Fight against those who fight against him (Psalm 35:1). Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion who seek to destroy his life; let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor who wish him evil (Psalm 40:14). I pray that he will be active in service for You all the days of his life. May his light so shine before men that they see his good works and glorify You Lord. (Matthew 5:16).